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Herbal Combination One:

An examination of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicates they contain nutritional factors which are best suited for the support of the gastrointestinal tract. This may result in the following: improved digestion, calming, indigestion, relieving heartburn, soothing irritable bowel syndrome, and relieving colitis diverticulitis.


One capsule of Herbal Combination One contains the following nutrient values:

Comfrey Leaf………………...75 mg.

Capsicum Leaf……………….75 mg.

Myrrh Gum…………………...75 mg.

Peppermint…………………...75 mg.

Catnip………………………...75 mg.

Saw Palmetto Berries………..40mg.

Calcium Carbonate…………..35 mg.

Suggested Use:

The institute offers the following suggestion in the use of this product. Take one or two capsules following meals, or with a glass of water at other times for the benefits associated with the ingredients in this formula.

#V4001 - 100 Capsules


Herbal Combination Two:

 In order for the cells and tissues of the body to function normally they must be cleansed of the metabolic waste and debris that develops as a normal byproduct of life. The body devotes a considerable amount of its organization, function and energy to this purpose. The venous blood supply, the lymph system, the lungs, kidneys, liver and colon are all major parts of the general cleansing system of the body. For a variety of reason, the general cleansing system can become overloaded and various health problems can result. This may be a common occurrence when allergies, degenerative diseases, chronic infections, chronic headaches, liver problems, chronic fatigue or unresolved overweight are a problem. An examination of the biochemistry of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicates they contain nutritional factors which, when used together are suited for the support of the general tissue cleaning functions of the body.

 Use of this formula may result in an improvement of this cleansing function.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Two contains the following nutrient values:

Cascara Segrada….32 mg.

Garlic…………….....70 mg.

Golden Seal…….….52 mg.

Fenugreek…….…....52 mg.

Quassia……………..52 mg.

Red Sage…………...35 mg.

Yellow Dock………...35 mg.

Black Walnut…….....18 mg.

Black Cohosh……....35 mg.

Dandelion Root…….18 mg.

Suggested Use:

 The institute offers the following suggestion in the use of this product. One capsule with a glass of water four times per day for 30 days. Stop for 30days, repeat again for 30 days. This procedure may be repeated every six months, or take as directed by your physician.

#V4002 -  100 Capsules


Herbal Combination Three:

 An examination of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicates they contain nutritional factors which are best suited for the support of the respiratory system. This may result in the following: removal of phlegm and mucous accumulation, relief of chronic cough, alleviation of bronchial congestion, soothing of a dry sore throat, easing of pleurisy and a reduction of asthmatic reactions.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Three contains the following nutritional values.

Slippery Elm……...75 mg.

Fenugreek…...…...75 mg.

Thyme………….....75 mg.

Pleurisy Root….....75 mg.

Yerba Santa……....38 mg.

Mullien………........38 mg.

Comfrey Leaf……..18 mg.

Marshmallow….…..18 mg.

Wild Cherry…….….18 mg.

Capsicum………….20 mg.

Suggested Use:

The Institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. At the first sign of conditions associated with a need for the benefits which may be associated with the ingredients in this formula, take 2 capsules with a glass of water, then take 1 capsule every 4 hours until a total of 6 capsules are taken daily. When respiratory function is normal, reduce to 1 capsule morning and evening to maintain relief.

#V4003 -  100 Capsules


Herbal Combination Four:

An examination of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicates they contain nutritional factors which are best suited for support of the female cycle. This may result in: the reduction of PMS difficulties, the elimination of menstrual cramps, normalization of menstrual flow, correcting amenorrhea and dysmenorrheal, improving breast development and function, as well as stabilizing menopause  problems.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Four contains the following nutritional factors:

Red Raspberry……..…..55 mg.

Damiana……………......55 mg.

Squaw Vine…………..…55 mg.

Cramp Bark…..……..…..55mg.

Black Cohosh………......55 mg.

Licorice……………..…...55 mg.

Sarsaparilla………...…..18 mg.

Queen of the Meadow...18 mg.

Dong Quai……….……..18 mg.

Gotu Kola…………….....18mg.

Saw Palmetto……….....18 mg.

Kelp……………………..18 mg.

Suggested Use:

The Institute suggests the following in the use of this product. At the outset of difficulties, take 2 capsules with a glass of water and then take 1 capsule every four hours for a maximum of 6 per day. When relief is obtained, reduce to one capsule morning and evening to maintain benefits which may be associated with these ingredients, or take as directed by your physician.

#V4004 -  100 Capsules


Herbal Combination Five:

An examination of this herb which makes up this   formula indicates they may contain nutritional factors which are best suited for the support of the nervous system, especially when under heavy stress. This may result in: creating a sense of peace and calmness, an increased ability to relax, a greater ability to fall asleep and stay asleep - waking up refreshed, an end to hyper-irritability, the elimination of depression, worry and tension-induced head and stomach aches.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Five contains the following nutritional factors:

Vakerian………..….…..130 mg.

Hops Flower……….…...85 mg.

Black Cohosh………......65 mg.

Lady's Slipper……….….65 mg.

Wood Betony…………...65 mg.

Skullcap……….………...45 mg.

Chamomile……………...20 mg.

Marshmallow…………...20 mg.

Mullein…………………..20 mg.

Suggested Use:

The institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. As needed for general relaxation and freedom from tension, take 2 capsules 3 times per day with meals. For improved sleep take two capsules 1 or 2 hours before bedtime.

#V4005 -  100 Capsules


Herbal Combination Six

An examination of the individual herbs that make up this formula indicates they contain nutritional factors which are best suited for improved function of the urinary tract. This may result in: a normalized urine flow, a reduction of tissue edema, a lowering of blood pressure when elevated, an end to minor urinary tract infections, an elimination of a burning sensation upon urination and an end to a frequent sense of urgency to urinate.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Six contains the following nutritional factors:

Alfalfa…………………..….85 mg.

Buchu……………….….….65 mg.

Juniper Berries……….…...65 mg.

Parsley………………....….65 mg.

Uva Ursi…………….….….65 mg.

Cranberry…………….…...65 mg.

Corn Silk………….…..…..65 mg.

Marshmallow……………..40 mg.

Suggested Use:

The institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. At the first sign of difficulty, take 2 capsules with a full glass of water. Then take 1 capsule every 4 hours until a  total of 6 per day. Follow this procedure until relief is obtained. Then take 1 capsule with a full glass of water morning and evening to maintain the benefits which may be associated with these ingredients, or take as directed by your physician.

Note: Urinary tract infections can become very serious. Acute pain or burning upon urination, or in areas associated with the urinary tract should be treated by your physician. This herbal combination is very supportive to standard medical antibiotic therapy. It also appears to be very beneficial in preventing occurrence

#V4006 -  100 Capsules


Herbal Combination Seven:

An Examination of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicates they contain nutritional factors which are best suited for assisting the body in expelling worms and parasites from the intestinal tract. This may result in: a reduction of nervousness and restlessness, an end to excessive appetite, an increase in energy, in children an end to  failure to thrive and a marked reduction of allergic food reactions and an end to unexplained abdominal pain.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Seven contains the following nutritional factors:

Garlic……………....150 mg.

Black Walnut…...…..55 mg.

Quissia……….……...55 mg.

Pumpkin Seeds….….38 mg.

Buckthorn………..…..38 mg.

Couch Grass………...38 mg.

Red Clover……...…...38 mg.

Culver Root…...……..19 mg.

Cascara Sagrada…...19 mg.

Suggested Use:

The institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. To begin, take 2 capsules with a glass of water, then 1 capsules every four hours until a total of 6 capsules are taken per day for 10 days. In cases of where infection Is severe, the Institute suggests taking 1 capsule of Herbal Combination Two with this formula, or take as directed by your physician.

#V4007 -  100 Capsules

Herbal Combination Eight:

An examination of this herb which makes up this formula indicates they may contain nutritional factors which are best suited for assisting the body in regulating blood sugar levels. This may result in: a more stable blood sugar, less tendency towards extremely high or low blood sugar; which, in turn, would result in more stable emotions, with less tendency toward depression, anger, irritation and moodiness, and an increase in mental clarity and efficiency and improved physical stamina and function.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Eight contains the following nutritional factors:

Pau D’ Arco.........................................114 mg.

Ginger..................................................75 mg.

Blueberry Leaves...............................75 mg.

Dandelion Root.................................55 mg.

Golden Seal.....................................55 mg.

Bilberry Leaves..................................38 mg.

Black Walnut Leaves........................38 mg.

Suggested Use:

    The institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. To begin, take 2 capsules with a glass of water, then 1 capsule every four hours until a total of 8 capsules are taken each day. Consistent daily use is the key to success, as these are gently-acting herbs which produce their bet results only after several weeks of use, or take as directed by your physician.

    Diabetics Note:

    Nothing here is to be construed as suggesting that this is a substitute for insulin. However, when used in conjunction with a diet low in fats and high in complex carbohydrates (starchy foods – vegetables, grains and tubers) with a very limited amount of simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, candy, soda pop, cookies, ice cream, fruit juices, etc.) along with the daily use of this formula may result in lowering the dependency on insulin.

    Hypoglycemic Note:

    Following a diet low in fats, high in protein and complex carbohydrates (starchy foods – vegetables, grains and tubers) with a very limited amount of simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, candy, soda pop, cookies, ice cream, fruit juices, etc.) along with the daily use of this formula may reduce the sudden drop in blood sugar associated with this condition

#V4008 - 100 Capsules

Herbal Combination Ten:

An examination of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicate they contain nutritional factors which are best suited for assisting the body in a more rapid recovery from cold or flu.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Ten contains the following nutritional factors:

Yarrow............................55 mg.

Chamomile..................55 mg.

Pleurisy Root..................55 mg.

Blessed Thistle.............55 mg.

Catnip..........................55 mg.

Slippery Elm................55 mg.

Golden Seal...............40 mg.

Lemon Grass................40 mg.

Sage...........................40 mg.

Suggested Use:

The institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. At the first sign of a cold or the flu, take 2 capsules with a large glass of water and repeat with 1 capsule hourly until a total of 9 capsules are taken per day until relief is obtained, or take as directed by your physician.

Note: If lung and bronchial congestion is extensive it may be wise to alternate every other hour with Herbal Combination Three.

#V4010 - 100 Capsules

Herbal Combination Thirteen:

An examination of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicate they contain nutritional factors which are best suited for the relaxation of muscles. This may result in the reduction of pain due to muscle spasms and cramps of the arms, shoulders, neck, back, buttocks, thighs and legs. This may also produce an increased range of motion and mobility when restriction is due to tense, tight muscles.


One capsule of Herbal Combination Thirteen contains the following nutritional factors:

Hawthorn Berry.............................100 mg.

Valerian Root..............................100 mg.

Peppermint...................................75 mg.

Pasion Flower................................75 mg.

Cayenne........................................75 mg.

Suggested Use:

The institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. Take 2 capsules with a large glass of water and repeat with 1 capsule every 3 hours until a total of 7 capsules are taken per day. The full effect of this formula is not usually felt until it has been taken for at least 4 days. Thereafter, a total of 4 capsules per day generally produces the desired results, or take as directed by your physician.

#V4013 - 100 Capsules

Herbal Combination Fourteen:

An examination of the individual herbs which make up this formula indicate they contain nutritional factors which may aid in dissolving excess mucous which may coat the intestinal tract and block the assimilation of nutrients. This may result in increased absorption of nutrients from the lumen (center of) the gut across the intestinal wall and into the blood stream, which may improve the individual’s nutritional status. This formula was popularized by Dr. William Donald Kelley who use it for the aforementioned reasons. 


One capsule of Herbal Combination Fourteen contains the following nutritional factors:

Comfrey..............................270 mg.

Pepsin..................................90 mg.

Wheat Germ........................90 mg.

Suggested Use:

The institute offers the following suggestions in the use of this product. Take 2 or 3 capsules with a large glass of water one hour before meals as desired, which may facilitate the dissolution of excess intestinal mucous, or take as directed by your physician.

#V4014 - 100 Capsules



Member Price:

All Herbal Combinations:

$16.95 each


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Disclaimer - The products and the claims made about the products on or through this site have not been evaluated by Health Canada and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional; or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. The information contained in these articles is the companies own opinion and are not meant to be interpreted as conclusive. This document is sole and in part to educate people about natural supplementation and to help create a drug free environment. Information about each product is taken from the labels of the products or from the manufacturer's advertising material.

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