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Today a wealth of new information Is surfacing about magnesium’s role in the body and it’s far reaching implications concerning diseases. Magnesium is

essential to all living things. Without it, numerous biological processes would never occur. Inside cells, magnesium is involved in more than 300

enzymatic reactions that involve glucose, fat and protein as well magnesium required for the transfer, storage and utilization of intercellular energy. A vital

role because as we look at how nutrients affect the body as a whole, we must bear in mind that systems of the body are carefully integrated with one another and an upset in one system can greatly affect the functioning of another. Your body requires these reactions to drive countless tasks like generating nerve impulses and flexing muscles. Magnesium’s most prominent and well - understood role is it’s intimate involvement in the utilization and production of energy during cell metabolism. Because of this function, magnesium is integral in regulating the fuel that your body needs to carry out vital functions: magnesium affects the central nervous system, the neuromuscular system and cardiovascular system. In the nervous system, the generation of nerve impulses depends on the particular influx and efflux of potassium, sodium and calcium ions. Magnesium is largely responsible for the proper regulation of these processes. Overall, magnesium has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and is beneficial for stress, anxiety and related muscle tension.

Magnesium also has important roles in enzymes and neurotransmitter function and in regulations taking place in the brain. Persons exhibiting tension type or migraine headaches have low serum levels of magnesium and it appears that low levels of magnesium in the brain are important factors in the pathogenesis of migraines. Furthermore, magnesium has anticonvulsant effects, as it inhibits the stimulation of certain receptors that can cause seizures. An over depletion in magnesium causes a disproportionate outflow of potassium, which results in undesired nerve impulses and muscle spasms.

The metabolic demands of muscles are extremely high. During muscle action, magnesium is released from the cells to aid in vasodilatation and to      increase blood flow to the muscles. Often when the metabolic demands of a muscle exceed the body’s capability to keep up these demands:  muscle tension, spasms and pain result. The pain is caused by inadequate blood flow.

Because magnesium has a powerful ability to  relax muscles, including the heart muscle and valves, reduce insomnia and stress, it has been called God’s natural tranquilizer or “anti-stress mineral” In the cardiovascular system, magnesium is involved in vital regulatory events like blood pressure regulation. One factor commonly involved in high blood pressure is the hardening and constricting of blood vessel walls. Magnesium aids in reducing hypertension by promoting vasodilatation while reducing vascular tone.

Correspondingly, reports show a relationship between levels of magnesium and blood pressure, as magnesium levels increase, blood pressure

decreases. Ramifications of magnesium deficiency in cardiovascular disease include elevated cholesterol, blood clotting, strokes and heart attacks.

Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent disease in today’s world. Mounting evidence from clinical and epidemiological studies suggests a relationshipbetween magnesium deficiency and diabetes. Not only has magnesium deficiency been linked to insulin resistance, it is also postulated to contribute to the complications of diabetes such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems.

Recent evidence points to the fact that magnesium may also help regulate the immune system, due to its effects in the activation of the complement cascade and phagocytes. Studies indicate that magnesium is a crucial factor required for proper immune system function and that reduced levels of it may elicit inappropriate inflammatory responses.

Magnesium is particularly important for growing children, pregnant, lactating and menstruating womenSymptoms and Sources of Deficiency:

Magnesium can be found in many of our daily foods, including kelp, rice and eggs. Foods that are higher in magnesium include whole grain cereals,nuts, dark green vegetables, seafood and dried peas, beans and lentils. However, due to depleted top-soils and over processing, the magnesium levels in our food are only a fraction of what they should be, and we do not metabolize oral supplements adequately. A deficiency in magnesium can result from inadequate intake, reduced absorption or excessive excretion. The body does not hold magnesium well. Anything that is flushing the body more quickly than normal always poses a mineral deficiency risk, particularly a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is lost through the kidneys by use of diuretics-drugs and also substances that have a diuretic effect. Antibiotics, digitalis, insulin, corticosteroids, estrogens, furosemide, tetracycline, alcohol, caffeine and sugar deplete magnesium. By conditions such as hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, chronic diarrhea, menstrual bleeding, laxatives, anorexia, mal-absorption syndromes, soft water diets, physical stress and high starch diets.

The deficiency can elicit a litany of symptoms including irritability, weakness, twitching, numbness, memory loss, skin lesions, poor appetite, anger, insomnia, mood swings, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney stones, cancer, PMS, anxiety, menstrual cramps, cardiovascular problems during pregnancy, depression and so on. Low cellular magnesium deficiency has been said to be the common denominator in people who have a major disease.

Since the absorption of magnesium can be hindered by various factors, the use of topical magnesium is of great significance. Upon application, this magnesium will metabolize in a matter of hours. This is only magnesium in history to be clinically proven to be absorbable through the skin and therefore recreate your biological effectiveness in as little as six days. It does in fact; enhance your cells ability to regenerate faster than they degenerate. By definition you become younger, or stay younger, as it can raise the DHEA (hormone related to aging) level and rejuvenate the environment within it. It provides an effective way for the body to balance and do the functions of homeostasis more easily and efficiently, as well as elderly persons.

Gel Ingredients:

MG Chloride, Cellosize, Chondroitin, Sulphate,       

 Glucosamine HCL and MSM.

Bath Crystals Ingredients:

MG Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride.


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