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Goat Milk Colostrum


The milk Mt. Capra process comes from their own farm in the southwestern part of Washington state. Having their own milk supply gives us and you the assurance that  the Colostrum they manufacture from goats milk is the freshest and of the highest quality possible.

Their goats are free range allowing them to enjoy life the way nature intended. Their food supply is free of pesticides & herbicides, the Goats are growth hormone and antibiotic free. Mt. Capra has been in business since 1928.

This special milk is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies. It is nature’s transfer of immune  factors that occurs the first two days of postpartum.

CapraColostrum™ is made from goat milk colostrum and goat milk cream and comes in a gelatin capsules that is certified BSE free.

What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the thick yellow fluid which is produced as a precursor to mother’s milk. It is found in humans, goats, and other mammals where it is produced by the mother for two days following birth. Colostrum can be described as a brilliantly designed transfer system which effectively “jump starts” a newborn’s undeveloped immune system.

CapraColostrum is unique because it’s from goats meaning it’s from a source that is closer to human milk than the mass produced bovine (cow) colostrum. Colostrum supplies the body with immune and growth factors.

What biological role does colostrum play?

Colostrum has dozens of health related components, the primary being immune and growth related. Colostrum is made up of various macro and micro constituents such as cytokines, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, growth factors and hormones, etc. These components have various biological roles that are vital to proper health and immune function. For example:

1. Cytokines Cytokines are part of our systemic immune system. These hormones keep communication between immune cells active. “No communication = No immunity”

2. Growth Factors (IGF-I, IGF-II, EGF) As the name implies, growth factors assist with maintenance and growth of certain body tissues

3. Lactoferrin Lactoferrin assists with iron absorption and has shown anti-microbial characteristics. It is a part of our defense system.

4. Growth Hormone Works individually as well as together with growth factors to possibly aid in growth and function of gastro-intestinal tissues

5. Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM) Immunoglobulins are also known as antibodies. These small  proteins, are used by the immune system to seek out and destroy foreign antigens (invaders).

    • What the Experts Say:
      “Colostrum is the first milk produced after birth and is particularly rich in immunoglobulins, antimicrobial peptides   (eg, lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase), and other bioactive molecules, including growth factors.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    • We love our kids!
      Mt. Capra is aware that baby goats (kids) must utilize the postpartum colostrum from their mother to ‘jump start’ their own newly formed immune system. We have taken steps to allow the kids to have total access to their full need of colostrum. Mt Capra only harvests the “surplus” colostrum.


      maximizes the strength

      of your immune

      system without the

      side effects of drug intervention.

      Internal and External Benefits:

      Goat milk colostrum is a virtual gold mine of health benefits. It burns fat, promotes muscle, helps to   produce collagen, and slows the aging process. It is a known anti-inflammatory agent, pain reducer, and an anti-oxidant. A colostrum supplement is often taken by athletes, as it repairs muscle, skin, and cartilage. Colostrum helps to keep cholesterol levels low. It eases diarrhea, and aids the health of the stomach lining, bowels, and digestion. It helps to improve mental concentration and alertness, and eradicates bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

      Disease Protection:

      According to the New England Journal of Medicine goat milk colostrum aids in the prevention and   treatment of a long list of diseases including salmonella, E. coli, candida, rotavirus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, H. pylori, cryptosporidia, thrombocytopenia, myasthenia gravis, anemia, Gullian Barre syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia, AIDS, and cancer. The reason colostrum is so highly effective is due to it's "transfer  factor", the mysterious process through which immunity is transferred from one mammal to another. This property was first realized by Sherwood Lawrence in 1949, while treating patients ailing with tuberculosis. He discovered that ingesting colostrum boosted people's immunity, and accelerated their healing time.


      • · Immunoglobulins that neutralize and protect the intestinal wall from dangerous toxins
      • · Encourages health-enhancing intestinal bacteria like acidophilus
      • · Nucleotides and vitamins for immune system support
      • · Peroxidase, lactoferrin and polysaccharides for immune functions
      • · Support to heal the G.I. tract, especially leaky gut syndrome
      • · Effectiveness in treatment of the following disorders, but not limited to:
      • · Thrombocytopenia
      • · Anemia
      • · Myasthenia Gravis
      • · Guillain Barre Syndrome
      • · Multiple Sclerosis
      • · Systemic Lupus
      • · Rheumatoid Arthritis
      • · Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
      • · Crohn’s Disease
      • Colostrum is the ideal solution for Leaky Gut Syndrome. It reaches the gut while its components are still viable, its  immunoglobulins and other factors can attack the offending pathogens in the intestines and prevent them from causing damage. The anti-aging factors have anti-inflammatory action and also help repair damaged cells in the lining, decreasing cellular spacing, thus preventing further leakage.”

        Benefits of Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk

             Colostrum maximizes the strength

        of your immune system without the

        side effects of drug intervention.

        65% of the milk consumption worldwide is from goat’s milk, and this popularity hasn’t come about due to high profile marketing campaigns or big-budget advertisements.

        The reasons for the worldwide popularity of goat’s milk are multifaceted. First, we need to remind ourselves that “All milk is not created equal.” The differences between cow’s milk and goat’s milk may not seem apparent upon first   examination. A closer look, however, reveals several key factors that play an integral part in how milk (from either cows or goats) matches up with the human body in its various stages. All humans have been created to be sustained entirely upon mothers’ milk for at least the first six months of life. There is no other food in the world better than  mothers’ milk, and it truly shows both in the laboratory and the real world. But what about after these first few months are over, and one is faced with the rest of life? Why would someone choose goat’s milk products over the far more popular and accessible cow’s milk?


        Here are 5 reasons goat milk is better than cow milk.

        • 1. Goat’s milk is less allergenic.
        • 2. Goat’s milk is naturally homogenized.
        • 3. Goat’s milk is easier to digest.
        • 4. Goat’s milk rarely causes lactose intolerance.
        • 5. Goat’s milk matches up to the human body better than cow’s milk.
        • 1. Goat milk is less allergenic.
        • The most common food allergy for children under three is cow’s milk. Mild side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rashes and severe effects can be as serious as anaphylactic shock! Needless to say it is a serious condition. The allergic reaction can be blamed on a protein allergen known as Alpha s1 Casein found in high levels in cow’s milk. The levels of Alpha s1 Casein in goat’s milk are about 89% less than cow’s milk providing a far less allergenic food .In fact a recent study of infants allergic to cow’s milk found that nearly 93% could drink goat’s milk with virtually no side effects!

          2. Goat’s milk is naturally homogenized.

          If you were to place both a glass of fresh cow’s milk as well as fresh goat’s milk in the refrigerator overnight, the next morning you would find that while the goat’s milk looks exactly the same, the cow’s milk has separated into two distinct ‘phases’ of cream on the top and skim milk on the bottom. This is a natural separation process that is caused by a compound called agglutinin and it will always cause the cow’s milk to separate. We like  everything neat and tidy and so to get the milk to the consumer in a uniform manner, the dairy industry utilizes a process called homogenization. This method works by forcing the fluid milk through a tiny hole under tremendous pressure which destroys the fat globule cell wall and allows the milk and cream to stay homogeneous or suspended and well mixed.
          The problem with such homogenization is that once the cell wall of the fat globule has been broken, it releases a   superoxide (free radical) known as Xanthine Oxidase. Now free radicals cause a host of problems in the body not the least of which is DNA mutations which often lead to cancer! Thus, the benefit of natural homogenization comes into clear view. Goat’s milk has smaller fat globules and does not contain agglutinin which allows it to stay naturally    homogenized thus eliminating the dangers associated with homogenization.

          3. Goat’s milk is easier to digest.

          Goat’s milk has smaller fat globules as well as higher levels of medium chain fatty acids. This means that during  digestion, each fat globule and individual fatty acid will have a larger surface-to-volume ratio resulting in a quicker and easier digestion process. Also, when the proteins found in milk denature (clump up) in the stomach, they form a much softer bolus (curd) than cow’s milk. This allows the body to digest the protein more smoothly and completely than when digesting cow’s milk.

          4. Goat’s milk rarely causes lactose intolerance.

          All milk contains certain levels of lactose which is also known as ‘milk sugar.’ A relatively large portion of the population suffers from a deficiency (not an absence) of an enzyme known as lactase which is used to, you guessed it, digest lactose. This deficiency results in a condition known as lactose intolerance which is a fairly common ailment. (Lactose intolerance and cow’s milk allergy (cma) are two distinct conditions. CMA is due to a protein allergen, while lactose intolerance is due to a carbohydrate sensitivity.)

          Goat’s milk contains less lactose than cow’s milk and therefore is easier to digest for those suffering from lactose intolerance. Now the interesting aspect to consider is that goat’s milk isn’t much lower than cow’s milk (contains about 10% less than cow’s milk) and yet, countless lactose intolerant patients are able to thrive on goat’s milk. Although the answer for this is unclear, it has been hypothesized that since goat’s milk is digested and absorbed in a superior manner, there is no “leftover” lactose that remains undigested which causes the painful and uncomfortable effects of lactose intolerance.

          5. Goat’s milk matches up to the human body better than cow’s milk.

          This matter is both an issue of biochemistry as well as thermodynamics. Regarding the biochemistry of the issue, we know that goat’s milk has a greater amount of essential fatty acids such as linoleic and arachidonic acid than cow’s milk as well as significantly greater amounts of vitamin B-6, vitamin A, and niacin. Goat’s milk is also a far  superior source of the vitally important nutrient potassium . This extensive amount of potassium causes goat’s milk to react in an alkaline way within the body whereas cow’s milk is lacking in potassium and ends up reacting in an acidic way.

          Thermodynamically speaking, goat’s milk is better for human consumption. A baby usually starts life at around 7-9 pounds, a baby goat (kid) usually starts life at around 7-9 pounds, and a baby cow (calf) usually starts life at around 100 pounds. Now speaking from a purely thermodynamic position, these two animals have very significant and    different nutritional needs for both maintenance and growth requirements. Cow’s milk is designed to take a 100 pound calf and transform it into a 1200 pound cow. Goat’s milk and human milk were both designed and created for transforming a 7-9 pound baby/kid into an average adult/goat of anywhere between 100-200 pounds. This significant discrepancy, along with many others, is manifesting on a national level as obesity rates sky rocket.

          Let’s wrap up…

          To conclude, we have seen that goat’s milk has several attributes that cause it to be a far superior choice to cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is less allergenic, naturally homogenized, easier to digest, lactose intolerant friendly, and            biochemically/thermodynamically superior to cow’s milk. As if these benefits were not enough, Mt. Capra’s Goats Milk Colostrum does not contain any growth hormones or antibiotics that massive cow dairies have come to rely upon to turn a profit! So to sum up and paraphrase the cow industry catchphrase: “Goat’s Milk: It Does a Body

          Capsules and the dosage per capsule is 1450 mg.

          How should CapraColostrum be taken?

          Loading dose: Take 2-4 capsules

          (1450- 2900 mg.) twice daily, on empty stomach for 90 days.

          Maintenance: Take 2 capsules twice daily, on empty stomach.

          Athletes: 2-4 Capsules To improve performance and

          endurance, take 30 - 45 minutes before workout.


                120 Capsules and the dosage per capsule is 1450 mg.



Member Price:

#2017 - 120 Capsules



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Disclaimer - The products and the claims made about the products on or through this site have not been evaluated by Health Canada and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional; or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. The information contained in these articles is the companies own opinion and are not meant to be interpreted as conclusive. This document is sole and in part to educate people about natural supplementation and to help create a drug free environment. Information about each product is taken from the labels of the products or from the manufacturer's advertising material.

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