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Are you concerned about formation & buildup of plaque in your arteries?

What about high Homocysteine levels?

High Cholesterol?


Consider the Facts!

(1) Cardiovascular disease is the #1 disease killer in North America.

(2) 2 out of 5 North Americans will die of Heart Disease.

(3) More than 60 million people in North America have a form of  cardiovascular disease and as many as 35% of them don’t even realize it!



The more of the following risk factors that are present in your life, the greater your chances of developing heart disease.

· If you eat a high-fat, low-fibre diet (if your diet is high in processed foods, pasta, white flour, sugar, low in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans.)

  • · If you smoke.
  • · If you’re overweight.
  • · If you have diabetes.
  • · If you have high blood pressure.
  • · If you drink  6 or more cups of coffee daily.
  • · If you have more than 2 alcoholic drinks daily.
  • · If you have high cholesterol and /or high blood triglycerides and/or low HDL cholesterol levels.
  • · If you have a family history or artery problem.
  • · If you have high  homocysteine levels.


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The True Cause of Heart Disease is High Homocysteine Levels.

The inner lining of the blood vessels, known as endothelium, is sensitive to irritation or abrasion. High levels of homocysteine have been shown to cause endothelial damage and thus initiate the atherosclerotic lesions that lead to heart disease. Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with a wide variety of other diseases, including depression, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, birth defects, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. Homocysteine is located at a junction of several key metabolic pathways in the body. It is an intermediate in the cysteine from methionine. A deficiency of Vitamin B-12, folic acid, and/or vitamin B-6 can block this pathway, causing a build-up of toxic levels of homocysteine. Supplementation of these nutrients facilitates the pathway, reducing homocysteine levels.

Homocysteine is the best single indicator of whether you are likely to live long or die young.

Staying healthy, happy, clearheaded, and full of energy into old age - this is what we all want. But insuring that we do depends on how well we can “read” the state of our health. What if there was a single test that could do that, as well as point the way to a super healthy future?

Fortunately, there is. This test measures your level of homocysteine, an amino acid that is found naturally in your blood. High levels of homocysteine, or a high “H” score, predicts your risk of more than 100 diseases and medical conditions, including Alzheimer's  disease, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer and depression. In fact it is more  accurate than a cholesterol reading for predicting the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Homocysteine is a strong risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. New England Journal of Medicine. 2002 Feb 14; 346:476-483 Subjects from the ‘Framingham Study’ were examined over an 8-year period. Baseline homocysteine levels measured eight years earlier were examined in relation to those individuals who developed dementia on follow-up. The study concluded that an increased homocysteine level is a strong, independent risk factor for the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s nearly doubled in subjects with a high level of homocysteine. (Some researchers believe dementia begins many years before the symptoms become apparent. Taking Heart to Heart daily starts lowering homocysteine levels now.)


It’s Not What You Think It Is!

Before we look at the many ways Policosanol reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, let us look at what is called the “cholesterol problem” and see what is really going on. First we need to understand that cholesterol is a very important and much needed substance by the human body. It is essential for life, and is required by every cell within the human body. It is so very important every cell has the ability to produce most of the cholesterol it needs, therefore very little is absorbed from the diet. Which is why avoiding cholesterol in the diet will not effectively lower blood cholesterol. It is not coming from the diet, it is  being manufactured by the body to meet its needs. NOTE: If the body is making a lot of cholesterol, it is because it needs a lot of it.

Cholesterol is the vital raw material for the production of a wide variety of key hormones. It is also the key substance required in the transportation of  fatty acids through the bloodstream to the cells for the production of energy. While it is true that every cell has the ability to manufacture the cholesterol it needs, the liver has the responsibility for manufacturing virtually all the cholesterol needed to transport fatty acids. Since cholesterol is so important, the question naturally arises, “Why then is it considered to be so dangerous?” The truth is, the public has been misled. Cholesterol itself is not dangerous and it is not a problem. It is a case of being made to look “guilty by association”. What is important is that your HDL and LDL are in balance.

Effect of Higher Doses of Policosanol

Once scientists had demonstrated the beneficial effect of policosanol on elevated lipoproteins in a dose range of 5 to 20 mg total per day, they wanted to know if higher doses would increase its benefits. After a 6 week diet designed to lower lipoproteins, 89 patients were selected who failed to respond beneficially to the diet. They were randomly divided into three groups, and in a double blind fashion, the first group received a placebo, the second group received 20 mg of policosanol per day, and the third group  received 40 mg of policosanol for a period of 24 weeks. As would be expected there was no improvement for those on the placebo. Those on the policosanol obtained the following results:

LDL-C: At 20mg per day it declined 24% and at 40mg it declined 28.1%.

HDL-C: At 20mg per day it increased 17.6% and at 40mg it increased 17.0%.

LDL-C to HDL-C Ratio: At 20mg per day it improved 36.5%

Earlier studies at lower levels of policosanol found no beneficial effect upon the triglyceride level of the blood, however in this study it was found that more policosanol not only provides a better effect upon the lipoprotein levels, it also provides a very powerful and beneficial effect upon the triglyceride level as well.                                                                     

Triglyceride: At 20mg per day it declined 12.7% and at 40mg it declined 15.6%.

This study certainly indicated that more policosanol is not only effective on the LDL-C and HDL-C, but it also greatly improved the triglyceride level, providing a broad and powerful beneficial effect on all aspects of blood liquids.

When we are young we have a lot of it, which is one of the reasons we have so much energy then. However as we age, we have less and less, and this is one of the reasons why we have less and less energy as we age. In every animal studied it has been found that regardless of the age of the animal, when tissue levels of CoQ-10 drop below 25% of what they were when they were young, they die. This makes it abundantly clear that CoQ-10 is vital to your health and you don’t want to take anything into your body that will reduce the amount you have.

Just to be sure that you understand how important CoQ-10 is to your life, I want to share with you the results of a study done by Dr. Emile Bliznakov and his associates. An experiment was done with laboratory mice whose life span ranges from 16 to 18 months, which is the equivalent of 65 to 75 years in humans. They took 100 healthy mice in this age category and divided them into two groups of 50 mice each. Then they fed both groups the same very nutritious food. However, they gave weekly injections of CoQ-10 to one group of mice and nothing additional to the “control” group. At week 28 of the experiment 70% of the mice in the control group had died of age related  natural causes, whereas, only 40% of the mice getting the CoQ-10 had died. By week 36 all of the mice not getting CoQ-10 had died. However, 40% of those getting CoQ-10 were still alive. Not only were they alive, they had full lustrous coats and were bright, alert and active. The last of the mice getting the CoQ-10 died in the 80th week, which is equivalent to a human living to be 150 years of age. The mean life span of the ordinary mice was 20 weeks, the mean for those getting CoQ-10 was 31.2 weeks, an increase in the life span of the average mouse by just over 50%. Taking any kind of drug that reduces your body’s ability to produce or utilize CoQ-10 is going to   reduce your lifespan. Not  exactly what most of us have in mind.

The space limitations of this publication do not allow us to review all the  benefits of CoQ-10 , but here’s a list of some of the wonderful things  researcher’s have clearly shown that CoQ-10 supplementation helps the body to:  overcome cancer - especially cancer of female glands and tissues, reduce high blood pressure, relieve the cause of angina pain, reverse heart failure, correct mitral valve prolapse, offset cardiac toxicity caused by the chemotherapy drug adriamycin, eliminate periodontal disease, boost immunity to ward off many other ailments, yeasts, bacteria, viruses and diseases. Helps with weight loss too!


Ulta-Peptase has had wide clinical use, spanning 25 years throughout Europe and Asia, as a viable alternative to salicylates, ibuprofen, and the more potent NSAID’s. Unlike these drugs, Ulta-Peptase is a naturally occurring, physiologic agent, with no inhibitory effects on prostaglandins, and is devoid of gastrointestinal side effects.

Ulta-Peptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the micro-organism, Serratia E15. This enzyme is naturally present in the silkworm intestine and is processed commercially today through fermentation. This immunologic ally active enzyme is completely bound to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in biological fluids. Histological studies reveal powerful anti-inflammatory effects of this naturally occurring enzyme.

Ulta-Peptase digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque, and inflammation in all forms.

The late German physician Dr. Hans Nieper used it to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Ulta-Peptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation in removing arterial plaque. He also reported that Ulta-Peptase dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. Dr Nieper told of a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man scheduled for bypass surgery, who both   recovered quickly, without surgery, after treatment with Ulta-Peptase

OPC 2000

OPC 2000 is an all natural powerful antioxidant extracted from grape seeds and skins using a proprietary water-based process. No harmful chemicals (chemicals are good sources of free radicals) are ever used so there is never any chemical residue to worry about.

OPC 2000 is also the most potent free radical scavenging product on the market and it contains many beneficial and important phytochemicals including:

Oliogomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) - a family of antioxidants that along with Resveratrol is partly responsible for the French Paradox - a reduced incidence of heart disease, despite a high fat, high cholesterol diet in the French population.

Procyanidin Dimers - the single most powerful OPC found in grapes.

Resveratrol - a very powerful photochemical that along with OPCs are key factors for producing the French    Paradox and Resveratrol is also know to reduce the risk of cancer and is also a potent cancer fighting tool.

Anthocyanidins: Antioxidants that are very useful in supporting and maintaining normal vision and improving   capillary strength.

Note: The above suggestions are intended to be nutritional only. Those under the care of a physician should follow their doctor’s instructions. Always remember that some heart and blood pressure medications are easy to get on and very difficult to get off.. Never attempt to quit such medications on your own. The results could be fatal.

If you want good health you need to eat healthy - lots of fruits and  vegetables. Cut back or eliminate junk food, processed food, white flour and sugar. Exercise is also very important .

Disclaimer - The products and the claims made about the products on or through this site have not been evaluated by Health Canada and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional; or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. The information contained in these articles is the companies own opinion and are not meant to be interpreted as conclusive. This document is sole and in part to educate people about natural supplementation and to help create a drug free environment. Information about each product is taken from the labels of the products or from the manufacturer's advertising material.

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