May Help:
May Prevent Heart Attacks - Stabilize Blood Pressure - Lower Cholesterol - Unclog Arteries - Relieve Angina Pain - Improve Blood Oxygen - Strengthen Heart Beat - May Improve Vision - Prevent Plaque Buildup - Prevent Hardening of the Arteries - Improve Circulation - Varicose Veins Diminish in size - Feet and hands Become Warmer
Directions for Use:
Shake the bottle well before use.
Put the Ultimate Health Drops under your tongue and hold for at least 1 minute, longer if you can, then swallow. Most of the drops will be absorbed into your blood stream. It is best to take the drops on a empty stomach 15 to 30 minutes before you eat a meal, or 2 hours after a meal. The Ultimate Health Drops should be taken 3 times a day. If you find that 15 drops are too spicy for you, start with 1 or 2 each time and work up to a full dose.
If you just can’t handle the spicy drops under your tongue, mix with a small amount of water or juice and taken on an empty stomach.
Experience has shown that a minimum of 15 drops, 3 times a day works well. That’s about 1 inch up the dropper.
Minimal Heart Problems:
Use 30 drops 3 times a day or half the dropper full each time. Remember to always try to take on an empty stomach.
Serious Health Problems:
Use 30 to 60 drops or a full dropper (50 ml dropper) 3 times a day, on an empty stomach.
Healing Crisis:
A few people may actually feel worse instead of feeling better after starting on the Ultimate Health Drops. This is caused by your body detoxifying and normally only last a few days. Some of the symptoms of the healing crisis are headache, dizziness, diarrhea and nausea. For the few people who experience this detoxification, reduce the amount of Ultimate Health Drops down to 1or 2 drops a day until your healing crisis is over. Then gradually increase the dosage until you are up to the full dose.
Ultimate Health Drops Ingredients:
Garlic (Allium sativnm) Has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal properties and drainfluid comgestion. Prevents and dissolves clots, lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol.
Hawthorne (Catagaegus oxyacantha) Restores and stimulates the heart and arterial ciculation. Regulates and balances the whole cardiovascular system.
Coleus (Coleus Forskohlii) Lowers high blood pressure, positive inotropic action on heart, increases force of traction. Ideally suited for treatment
of mild congestive heart failure. Works synergetically with other herbs, potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation.
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) Is a circulatory stimulant, lowers blood pressure, is a sedative and nerve tonic.
Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) Very good for the eyes (night vision), inhibits macular degeneration of the eye, inhibits growth of bacterial cells, dilates blood vessels.
Cayenne (Capsicum Assuum) Equalizes the blood flow in the body, enhances the effect of other herbs. Stimulates body and organs properly so that they heal, cleanse, and begin to function normally.
Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo Biloba) It increases blood flow to the brain and to the arms and legsby regulating the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, from the largest arteries to the tiniest capillaries. It also acts likeaspirin by helping to reduce the “stickiness” of the blood, thereby lowering the risk of blood clots. Ginkgo appears to have antioxidant properties as will, mopping up the damaging compounds known as free radicals and aiding in the maintenance of healthy blood cells.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) Taken as an aid to sleep, it can also act as a calming agent in stressful situations. Used in treating anxiety disorders and conditions worsened by stress, such as diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) Protects the liver from toxins, including drugs, poisons, and chemicals, it treats liver disorders, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Also reduces liver damage from excessive alcohol.