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Angio Support
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Consider the Facts:

Cardiovascular disease is the #1 in Canada!

2 out of 5 Canadians will die from Heart Disease!

A Deadly Problem for 40% of the Population

40% of all deaths in Canada are attributed to heart disease. Heart Disease is by far the #1 killer followed by strokes and cancer.

Heart Disease Starts before the Development of Plaque:

Heart Disease is when plaque forms and starts to accumulate inside of your arteries. As the plaque accumulates your blood flow through the artery is restricted. Build up enough plaque and the restriction becomes so severe as to cause a heart attack.  While the plaque accumulates inside of your arteries and restricts the actual blood flow, the opinion of the orthodox medical community is that the plaque is caused by elevated blood cholesterol levels. They reason even further that the elevated cholesterol levels are diet related. That is why you hear so much about restricting your dietary cholesterol and animal fats while using polyunsaturated fats and so on.

Research and Reality Indicate Quite the Opposite:

First of all, Canadians have been restricting the fats and cholesterol, yet heart disease continues to increase. So does cancer by the way. The French people ignored this advice and continue to eat animal fats and dairy products they like, yet their rate of heart disease is significantly lower! How can this be? Rather than admit the obvious, these scientists and doctors simply label it as “The French Paradox”

Discovering the True Cause of Heart Disease:

A normal and healthy artery is surrounded externally by a collagen layer. Your arteries actually flex in and out as blood is pumped through them by your heart. The collagen that surrounds the arteries serves to protect them from rupturing as they continually flex.  Dr. Linus Pauling discovered that if this protective collagen layer breaks down, you can have the beginning of  heart disease. Without the protection of the collagen, the arteries can develop tiny lesions or ruptures to which your immune system immediately recognizes as a sort of “leak” and attempts to repair it. Your immune system does this by sending materials to plug those leaks which we call Plaque.

Plaque-It begins with Lipoprotein (a):

Lipoprotein (a) is actually a sticky variant of LDL Cholesterol which is constantly circulating in your blood. Every time a lesion appears anywhere in your arteries, your body will use this Lipoprotein (a) to form a plaque that seals and protects the artery.  The problem with this is two fold. First of all if the collagen is breaking down, that means that your arteries will continually develop more and more of these tiny lesions to which your immune system responds to by filling in with plaque. The classic development of heart disease.

The Real Culprit-A Lack of Sufficient Collagen:

If you have sufficient collagen surrounding your arteries, you will not develop heart disease.  A healthy artery with plenty of protective collagen does not develop lesions or ruptures, therefore you don’t develop plaque deposits.

Dr. Pauling successfully demonstrated through the use of Guinea Pigs, that a lack of collagen is actually a result of not having enough Vitamin C in the diet. When he reduced the vitamin C intake for guinea pigs to the U.S. RDA level (adjusted for body weight), he was able to induce atherosclerosis (heart disease) in the guinea pigs.

Over time the vitamin C restriction led to insufficient collagen production, which weakened the blood vessels and caused lesions that eventually led to heart disease. Dr. Pauling also found that this heart disease induced in guinea pigs, was very similar to humans.

Induced Heart Disease-What about Reversing Heart Disease?

Having been successful in inducing heart disease in guinea pigs, Dr. Pauling continued his research to see if it was possible to reverse the heart disease. Through a special combination of simple and common nutrients, Dr. Pauling was able to reverse heart disease.

Better than Vitamin C - Mineral Ascorbate Vitamin C:

Angio Care offered by Vitality is the special nutrients used by Dr. Pauling to achieve such success. First of all, by increasing the intake of vitamin C, Dr. Pauling was able to rebuild deteriorating collagen levels. The  Angio Care formula contains not only vitamin C but it is in the special and much more beneficial form-mineral  ascorbates. Increasing the intake of high quality vitamin C from mineral ascorbates, helps to repair and rebuild deteriorating collagen levels.


This unique combination of simple nutrient has been shown and proven by Dr. Pauling to not only stop and prevent heart disease, but even reverse it. Using   Angio Care on regular basis first it repairs failing collagen levels and then very gradually and slowly dissolves the plaque in the arteries thereby improving circulation.  


No one should ever quit taking or reduce heart or blood pressure medication unless being advised to do so by their physician. To do so otherwise could be fatal. Some medications are easy to get on, but very difficult to get off.

Suggested Use:

4 capsules three times a day with meals for the first month.

3 capsules three times a day with meals for the second month.

And then 2 capsules three times a day with meals thereafter or as directed by your physician.


12 capsules of Angio Care contain the following nutrient values:

Vitamin C ………………………..3,640  mg.

(from Potassium and Magnesium Ascorbates)

Potassium …………………………..570  mg.

Magnesium …………………………570  mg.

L-Lysine ………………………….1,415  mg.

L-Proline ………………………….1,415  mg.


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Member Price:

#V1008 - 180 Capsules



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Disclaimer - The products and the claims made about the products on or through this site have not been evaluated by Health Canada and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional; or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. The information contained in these articles is the companies own opinion and are not meant to be interpreted as conclusive. This document is sole and in part to educate people about natural supplementation and to help create a drug free environment. Information about each product is taken from the labels of the products or from the manufacturer's advertising material.

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